青春有你第2季_20200509期-綜藝 | 合法除蟲公司
Chinese MainlandMysteryMandarinEspionage
During the Anti-Japanese War, the Japanese army, aiming to smoothly occupy Changsha, activated a strategic spy known as "Black Butler" who had been undercover in China for 15 years, to carry out a long-planned strategic deception. A Communist Party underground member, Yun Muzhi, was killed in the process of investigating "Black Butler." His son, Yun Hongshen, unknowingly of his fathers true identity, pursued the murderer and was caught in a trap already set by "Black Butler." In times of confusion and helplessness, a close friend of his father provided him with significant assistance and protection, allowing him to finally see through the adversarys schemes. Under the leadership of the Communist Party, Yun Hongshen joined forces with the patriotic youth Wen Yeming, setting traps within traps, advancing cautiously, putting aside personal vendettas in the face of national hatred, setting himself up as a sacrifice to uncover the Japanese s...
青春有你(第二季) | 合法除蟲公司
青春有你第2季-綜藝 | 合法除蟲公司
青春有你第2季 | 合法除蟲公司
《青春有你2》舞台純享:《Lion》超A組合燃爆全場! | 合法除蟲公司
《青春有你2》最終舞台<A little bit> | 合法除蟲公司
《青春有你2》最終舞台訓練生齊跳《YES!OK!》 | 合法除蟲公司
《青春有你2》純享:LISA導師合作《I'm Not Yours》劉雨昕長 ... | 合法除蟲公司
《青春有你2》純享:王子異朱正廷小鬼經典重現《It's OK ... | 合法除蟲公司
青春有你第2季_20200509期-綜藝 | 合法除蟲公司
青春有你第2季 | 合法除蟲公司