【AI meetup】最強的AI物件偵測技術Yolo | 合法除蟲公司
2020年7月3日—感謝廖弘源所長與王建堯博士的精采分享!直播影片公開...上圖:《YOLOv4的技術深入與未來方向》王建堯博士.標籤:AIMeetup ...
Chun-Yi Lee is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan, and is the supervisor of Elsa Lab. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, in 2009 and 2013, respectively, all in Electrical Engineering. He joined NTHU as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science since 2015. Before joining NTHU, he was a senior engineer at Oracle America, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA from 2012 to 2015.
Prof. Lee’s research focuses on deep reinforcement learning (DRL), intelligent robotics, computer vision (CV), and parallel computing systems. He has contributed to the discovery and development of key deep learning methodologies for intelligent robotics, such as virtual-to-real training and transferring techniques for robotic policies, real-time acceleration techniques for...
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【AI meetup】最強的AI物件偵測技術Yolo | 合法除蟲公司
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以YOLOv4打敗Google還不夠,中研院組隊瞄準物件追蹤AI要再 ... | 合法除蟲公司
【AI Meetup】 最強的AI物件偵測技術Yolo | 合法除蟲公司